Temporary residence in Slovakia.

In this article you find important information about a temporary residence in Slovakia.

An EU national can enter the territory of Slovakia without any temporary permit. The Non-EU national has to have a temporary permit in case she/he wants to stay in Slovakia for longer time. The EU national is able to do business in Slovakia under the same conditions as the Slovak nationals. The Non-EU national has to apply for the temporary residence for the purpose of business, so it is essential to be granted a residence which allows you to conduct business.

The temporary permit submits a Foreign Police Department of the Slovak Republic in case the foreign national conduct business as a sole trader or managing director of a commercial company (etc. managing director of a limited liability company) in Slovakia. The Foreign Police Department can submit temporary permit only for 3 years. There is a possibility to prolong the temporary permit again.

Application for temporary residence must be submitted in person at a Foreign Police Department or a diplomatic mission of the Slovak Republic accredited to the country where the passport of a third country national was issued or to the country of his/her residence.


Together with the application you have to enclose following documents:

  • Valid passport
  • 2 identical colour photos
  • The Extract from the Criminal Register with apostille and fully translated in the Slovak language
  • Documents proving financial coverage of residence – the financial coverage maybe for example proved either by submitting a bank account balance confirmation in the name of the foreign national from a bank in the territory of Slovakia or from a bank in the country of origin of the foreign national. The statutory life minimum equals to EUR 2.393,76.
  • A foreign national applying for temporary residence for the purpose of business must also prove financial resources to cover business activities by a business bank account balance confirmation. The statutory life minimum equals to EUR 3.989,60 in case of a sole trader and EUR 19.948 in case of a managing director of a commercial company. 
  • A foreign national must also submit a Commercial Registry extract or extract from Trade Registry.
  • A foreign national must also submits a lease contract or confirmation given by the accommodation facility.


The value of an administrative fee is EUR 132, 50. The Foreign Police Department will issue a decision within 90 days from the date of delivering the application.


A foreign national must conclude health insurance policy after collecting the residence document and a medical report certifying that the foreign national does not suffer from an illness endangering public health.


Business in Slovakia s.r.o. offers you a complex advice with regards to a temporary permit in Slovakia and we are able to arrange the temporary permit in Košice and Prešov. 

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