In this article you find important tips for starting a business in Slovakia.
A limited liability company (s.r.o.) is a legal entity, which is registered within the Commercial Register. The company may be formed by one person or may have a maximum of 50 members. The shareholders are owners of the company. The registered capital must be at least EUR 5.000 with a minimum contribution of EUR 750 of each shareholder. One or more Managing Directors constitute the company's statutory body.. Each of the Managing Directors, if there is more than one, has the right to act independently in the name of the company, unless the Memorandum of Association or the Statutes provide otherwise.
The shareholder of the limited liability company can be also a foreign investor. There are no special requirements required. The Managing Director of the company can be only the citizen of the EU or OECD area or person who has a residence in Slovakia. The Managing Director has to prove his integrity by obtaining and submitting the criminal record from the state of citizenship or residency.
The limited liability company is established by signing of the Memorandum of Association (in case there is more than one shareholder) or Foundation Deed (in case there is only one shareholder). The signature of the shareholders must be verified by a notary in the Slovak Republic, at the Slovak Embassy in abroad or by notary in abroad, but in this case the apositlle usually is required.
At thebeginning of a formation process you have to choose the commercial name andseat of the company. The seat of the company is registered address inSlovakia. The company´s seat can be registered in own, leased premises or we are able to provide registered (virtual) address to receive business correspondence in Košice or Bratislava.
The important part of the formation process is company´s scope of the business. The company has to have own trade certificate issued by the Trade Register. The standard scope of the business is usually retail trade, wholesale trade, advertising and marketing, computer and administration services, rentals estate and personal property.
Business in Slovakia s.r.o. offers you a complex service with regards to company formation in Slovakia. This means you only will sign all important corporate documents and we will do all necessary steps. We will obtain all certificates and fill an application for the Commercial Register. The company formation in Slovakia usually takes 10 working days. After that a limited liability company acquires legal personality status upon its registration in the Commercial Register, you can start your business in Slovakia.
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